
1 курс контрольная работа №3 (FUTURE SIMPLE, CONSTRUCTION “GOING TO”…)

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку №3 (FUTURE SIMPLE, CONSTRUCTION “GOING TO”…
1 курса для Института государственного администрирования (содержит 9 заданий)
Выполняется в течение 5 рабочих дней с момента оплаты
артикул 1000157



I. Change the following sentences as in the example.
Example: Give me that vase.=Give that vase to me.

1. Show me that picture. 2. Give her those flowers. 3. Send George that letter. 4. Give Mr. Jones these books. 5. Give the children these ice-creams. 6. Please, bring John that chair. 7. Take her those newspapers. 8. Pass him the salt.

II. Put in me, him, her, us, them.
Example: Give Tin this short. Give … this one, too. = Give Tim this short. Give him this one, too.

1. Give Jane this watch. Give … this one, too. 2. Give the children these ice-creams. Give … these ice-creams, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give … this one too. 4. That is my passport. Give … my passport, please. 5. That is my coat. Give … my coat, please. 6. Those are our umbrellas. Give … our umbrellas, please. 7. That is Jane’s dictionary. Give … the dictionary, please.

III. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.
Example: Take the books … the table and put them … your bag = Take the book from the table and put them into your bag.

1. Show me this map. Show it … me. 2. Go … the room … the corridor. 3. Take that pencil and put it … front … you. 4. Come …, please. 5. Give these notebooks … Lucy. 6. Take the magazine … her and show it … us. 7. Take the cup … Jane and put it … the table. 8. Close your book and put it … your bag. 9. Go … the door and close it. 10. Send the telegram …Mr. Smith.

I. Use the proper pronouns.

1. The children are hungry. Give … something to eat. 2. We are students. This is … classroom. 3. Take the book from the table and put it into … bag. 4. Betty has a temperature. Give … some tablets. 5. Ted is a schoolboy. … marks are good. 6. Those are our books. Give … our books, please.

II. Translate into English.

1. Дай мне карандаш. – Черный? – Нет, красный. 2. Возьми вазу из буфета и поставь ее на стол. 3. Лекция очень интересная. Не пропусти ее. 4. Позвони Лене. Она сейчас дома. 5. На столе грязная посуда. Вымой ее. 6. Не бери мой словарь. Возьми словарь Ани. 7. Покажи нам свой новый велосипед. Вот он. 8. Я встаю в 7.30. 9. Сейчас 12.15. 10. В воскресенье мы обедаем в 14.00.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. How many days in a week are there? 2. What is the first day? 3. What are the weekdays? 4. What are the weekends? 5. How many months are there in the year? 6. What is the first month? 7. December is the last month, isn’t it? 8. Is May the fifth or the eleventh month? 9. What are the spring months? 10. What are the summer months? 11. What are the autumn months? 12. What are the winter months? 13. What are the four seasons?