
1 курс контрольная работа №1 (FUTURE SIMPLE, CONSTRUCTION “GOING TO”…)

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку №1 (FUTURE SIMPLE, CONSTRUCTION “GOING TO”…
1 курса для Института государственного администрирования (содержит 9 заданий)
Выполняется в течение 5 рабочих дней с момента оплаты
артикул 1000156



Be + indication

I. Give additional information about subjects, using formulas: this is/these are.
Examples: This is a room (large). = This/that is a large room.
These are notebooks (thin). = These/those are thin notebooks.

1. This is a car (comfortable). 2. that is a tent (little). 3. This is an apple (tasty). 4. That is a bag (brown). 5. This is a carpet ((thick). 6. This is a bank (big). 7. This is a text (easy). 8. This is a lake ( deep). 9. That is a vase (nice). 10. This is a tie (red). 11. Those are cups (blue). 12. these are shelves (good). 13. Those are hats (old). 14. These are chains (silver). 15. Those are coats (warm). 16. Those are pictures (beautiful). 17. These are knives (sharp). 18. Those are carpets (new). 19. These are oranges (sweet). 20. those are books (interesting).

II. Use possessive adjectives.
Example: That is an umbrella (my). = It’s my umbrella.
1. This is a typewriter (her). Those are books (our). 3. These are maps (their). 4. That is a tie (his). 5. Those are pencils (her). 6. That is a toy (your). 7. This is a bed (my). 8. Those are apples (our). 9. That is a coat (his). 10. That is a car (their).

Be + possession

III. Use possessive pronouns .
Example: these are our books = The books are ours.
1. Those are their tickets. 2. Is this your pen? 3. That is our dog. 4. This is her typewriter. 5. Are those your gloves? Is that my umbrella? 7. This is Mary’s hat. 8. That is my brother’s house. 9. This is his coat. 10. Are these my flowers?

IV. Answer the questions, using the words in brackets.
Example: Which car is theirs? (green) = The green one is theirs.
1. Which pencil is yours? (red). 2. Which bag is Mary’s? (brown). 3. Which coat is his? (black). 4. Which house is theirs? (small). 5. Which glass is yours? (that). 6. Which umbrella is hers? (blue). 7. Which notebooks are theirs? (thin). 8. Which room is ours? (room 30).

Be + appearance of things/quality ratings

V. Ask the questions according to the example.
Example: your car/black = What colour is your car? – It’s black.
1. your suit/grey. 2. the shoes/brown. 3. the walls/blue. 4. your hat/white. 5. the coat/black. 6.the sofa/green. 7. the carpet/red.

VI. Translate into English.
1. Это ваша газета? – Нет, это газета Билла. 2. Какая твоя новая квартира? – Она большая и светлая. 3. Чей это автомобиль, твой или твоего отца? – Моего отца. 4. Где наши билеты? – Они у меня в сумке. 5. Какого цвета твое новое пальто? – Оно синее. 6. Николай сейчас в Москве? – Да. 7. Это твоя ручка? –Нет, моя красная. Думаю, что это ручка Билла. 8. Где мой зонтик? – Посмотри на письменном столе.

VII. Answer the questions.
1. What’s your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. What nationality are you? 4. How old are you? 5. What’s your job? 6. What’s your address? 7. What’s your friend’s name? 8. Where is he/she from? 9. What is your friend like?

VIII. Use the correct forms of the verb “to be”.
Example: … you at home? = Are you at home?
Jill: Hello. … we all here today?
Maria: John … missing and Lisa … missing too.
John: Good morning! Here I … .
Lisa: Sorry, I … late.
Jill: Oh, that … all right. … you both OK?
John: Yes, we … .